The Design Plot is an ongoing collaborative performance project, choreographed by Shelley Lasica including collaborations with six dancers, a videographer, and a scenography consultant.
The Design Plot uses the structure of dancing, with the discipline of scenography as a source for its design and development. Scenography describes the visual, spatial and experiential composition of a work that also could include design and structure of the space, but also might be interpreted to include temporal, textual and sonic aspects.
The Design Plot is a performance project that develops structures that bring together spatial mapping, systems of sensory awareness, construction as scenography and explores the potential for collective improvised decision making. The work unfolds through a methodology that includes open research sessions, performance and the development of performance mechanisms through daily choreographic and physical practice.
MPavillion, Melbourne, 28 January.
Gertrude Glasshouse, Melbourne, 23 February – 4 March.
RMIT Design Hub, Melbourne, 3 March.
Minanoie, Melbourne, 13 May.
Performance staged at the Royal Melbourne Tennis Club, Melbourne.
Video, 49 minutes.